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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > BOOSTER1 > ✪ Ancient Urn

✪ Ancient Urn Used Deck

✪ Ancient Urn
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Monster - 1 Rock 400 200
A very fragile old jar. It is said that something is hidden inside.
Average Rating Score 3.7(21)
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  2. Card Reviews (21 rating scores)
  3. Decks with ✪ Ancient Urn (5 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"✪ Ancient Urn" card reviews and rating scores

14% (3)
0% (0)
9% (2)
38% (8)
38% (8)

japan ねおんちゃん
2023/02/24 5:08
Yugioh Icon
Since there is no other level 1 Rock vanilla, it will be useful to some extent when dealing with 《Advanced Ritual Art》.
After that...what is it...by lying down so that the opponent can't see the illustration a little, you can make the opponent watch out for Morphing Jar, or something like that... ..?
japan みめっと
2022/12/27 20:59
Yugioh Icon
Appearing in Season 1, he is a low-level Normal Monster of Rock, and has that Metapo as a sidekick with a different color, and his level and status are even lower than Haniwa, who preceded him.
However, for that reason, it is still the only Level 1 Rock Normal Monster, and although it is not a designated fusion material, as long as its uniqueness is not compromised, I would like to give it a 2 point.
However, if a monster like Sunseed Genius Loki appears, you will have to go to 1 point with a super express like Dark Plant.
In game works, it plays an active role from the beginning as a fusion material on the Rock side of the fusion pattern that allows you to create powerful monsters such as Stone Dragon and 《Mystical Sand》. It has a high combo ability that effectively makes it a permanent spell without advancing the turn count.
japan ねこーら
2020/07/23 12:59
Yugioh Icon
Overall Rating: Excluded personnel sent to GY.
With 《Advanced Ritual Art》, he sent it to GY and used it to exclude 《Block Dragon》.
Rock's Megalith Ritual Monster can be used with 《Advanced Ritual Art》, and both are rocks, so it's a good match.
However, his Megalith level is an even number, so if you put in 3 copies, you will inevitably have more than 1 copy.
If you want to put out something other than "Megalith Phul", the level is not enough, so you want to include "Haniwa" as well.
japan シルキン
2019/12/13 16:58
Yugioh Icon
The only level 1 card among Rock Normal Monsters.
Advanced Ritual Art》may be used to match the level.
However, no matter how you look at it, it looks like Dragon Quest's "Devil's Pot".
japan サンパイ
2019/12/02 18:40
Yugioh Icon
It's the only level 1 rock vanilla that never goes unusable. It will be useful as a mega rock snack
japan とき
2019/01/18 23:06
Yugioh Icon
Normal Monster of EARTH Rock.
As it is very fragile, his defense is low at 200 and his ATK is also low.
However, taking advantage of Rock's Normal Monster and low level, 《Advanced Ritual Art》can be used as a material for 《Megarock Dragon》and Gaia Plate by fertilizing a large amount of GY with glue.
Among the old vanilla cards, it has a unique usage.
japan シエスタ
2018/11/15 15:19
Yugioh Icon
A pot that has no particular effect. As the text says, it is easily destroyed in battle or by effects.
Since this guy's value is low level and rocky, it's main role is to send a large amount from high rituals to his GY and connect it as a cost for Mega Rock and Gaia Plate, as already said.
One point is avoidance because there is a way to use it.
japan 。ゅぃ。
2016/01/02 21:39
Yugioh Icon
. Yui. cracked 《✪ Ancient Urn》!
A monster popped out from inside!
~To the battle scene~
A Metamor Pod has appeared!
Pot Djinn has appeared!
Spirit of the Pot of Greed》appeared!
Morphing Jar #2》appeared!
Cyber Jar》appeared!
The Aroma Pod has appeared!
Pot of The Forbidden》appeared!
. Yui. what to do
→ fight
run away
. Yui. Attack!
500 damage to 《✪ Ancient Urn》!
✪ Ancient Urn》has fallen!
The swarm of monsters has fallen!
. Yui. got 400 gold!
. Yui. experience value increased by 400!
japan ゆくら
2016/01/02 11:55
Yugioh Icon
Ancestor of the pod system
gave birth to many brothers thrown into prison
Even now, they have even created the highest class of high-class pots with the effects of banned cards.
Furthermore, it seems to be associated with the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
A few small fry statuses made in an era where the initial ATK is high!
Due to the Sengoku period, there are few surviving pieces (and they are fragile), and they are not likely to be reprinted, so they are traded at high prices by some antique enthusiasts.
Former brothers Cyber and Fiber, which were said to be the pot age, are popular among some users as they are said that they may be alleviated even in an environment where inflation is increasing day by day, but " ✪ Ancient Urn " is the original. Because he is an existence that can be said to be, it is difficult for amateurs to get involved
In the midst of the popularity of fake gold such as Chaos Metamol, in addition to the jar of banned cards that have not been reprinted as gold frames, he will have no choice but to receive high praise for this card as well.
the key status
Because it is a level 1 vanilla, it can pass through all the opponent's trap holes and receive various support, so it can be said that it is a pretty fulfilling card.
japan デッキビルダ~る
2015/06/25 2:59
Yugioh Icon
Wouldn't it be nice to be loved more!?
Along with greed, it is the originator of the pot! Without this, the current pot series wouldn't exist...
I want you to re-record Tournament P.
Do not say that it resembles the relationship between the superior and inferior enemies of Dora*e.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/07/25 20:01
Yugioh Icon
The difference in performance is obvious due to the different colors of "Morphing Jar", but it's the only level 1 in Rock vanilla, so it's useful if you want to drop a lot of monsters to GY with "Advanced Ritual Art". In particular, he has excellent compatibility with 《Megarock Dragon》, whose ATK is determined by the number of removed Rock monsters, and "Gaia Plate", which requires a maintenance cost.
japan えいてぃ
2014/07/16 14:57
Yugioh Icon
Even though it is an early vanilla recorded with BOOSTER, which is a rare Carddass, it has never been reprinted and is out of print. Its rarity value easily surpasses that of other rare cards.
The utility value of early vanilla is different for each person. You can make it a collection, or if you have love, you may be able to make him appear in battle.
Even if I showed it to today's elementary school students, they would probably think nothing more than, "Wow, did Morphing Jar ever come in a different color?" This guy came out first.
In True DM, it is often used as a fusion material for 《Mystical Sand》. It's fragile like Metapo, so it's easy to see what's hidden inside.
japan ショウ♪
2013/08/16 17:22
Yugioh Icon
What's inside...?
If it wasn't for this girl, maybe Metamoru-chan wouldn't have appeared either.
japan リバース@影の使者
2013/07/20 18:44
Yugioh Icon
Taiko pot! ! ? ?
japan ファイア野郎
2013/02/08 22:56
Yugioh Icon
When someone tells you that something is lurking inside, you want to destroy it.
It's literally very easy to break.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/06 11:19
Yugioh Icon
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/11/04 19:56
Yugioh Icon
I want to see it, I want to crack it, I want to open it!
I wonder what it contains.
japan 愛と正義の使者
2011/08/09 11:20
Yugioh Icon
I thought it would be effective, but it was Normal Monster.
No, it's fine because it's better for Normal Monsters than it's badly effective.
japan 7878
2011/07/09 21:10
Yugioh Icon
I want to split...
japan 想夢
2010/08/11 22:35
Yugioh Icon
I want to see what's inside.
japan 2014/04/15 14:27
Haha warosu
That said, this kind of card might eventually become a must-have card for some kind of series.
Taiko no Tsubo

Decks with "✪ Ancient Urn"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Card Category and Effect Category did not exist.

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BOOSTER1 --16 1999-03-01 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 10,253 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 13,545


Japanese card name 太古の壺

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